PC Tune-Ups

Get a performance boost and optimize your existing system.

PC Tune-Ups & Performance Optimization

Is your computer or touch screen device running slow or experiencing issues? Let Compubud give it a tune-up! Our comprehensive tune-up services are designed to optimize your computer’s performance and improve its overall speed and stability.

Our team of experts will perform a thorough analysis of your system, identify any performance bottlenecks, and implement the necessary tweaks and optimizations to get your computer or device running like new. We’ll clean out any junk files, update your drivers and software, and make sure your system is running at peak performance.

Don’t let a slow computer drag you down. Get a tune-up from Compubud and get back to working at lightning speed. Contact us today to schedule your tune-up appointment

pc tune up


We're ready when you need IT the most.

We can even solve system and software issues remotely saving both time and money. Ask us how!

Tune-Ups & Optimizations

Is your computer slow? Get a performance boost and optimize your existing system.

Diagnostics & Repairs

Quickly resolve that 'unknown error' and get back to the task at hand.

Virus & Malware Solutions

Ensure all your devices and personal information are protected from external threats to prevent data loss.

Network Configuration

Configure your network for speed, security and ease of use.

Local Network Data Sharing

A flexible network that allows you to share files and play games over the network is just a phone call away.

Network Hardening

Complete local network security hardening will help protect your personal data and prevent data breaches.

Password Management Solutions

Access your applications with ease while ensuring your login information is protected by multifactor authentication and uncrackable passwords.

PC Consultations & Configurations

Don't settle for generic off the shelf computers, let us assess your needs and get the PC, laptops or all-in-one computer that is right for you.

Smart Home Setups

Control your lights, thermostat, speakers, TVs and more using your phone, tablet, voice, and automated scheduled routines.

Data Management

Establish a comprehensive data backup and restoration plan that's easy to understand, designed and implemented with your needs in mind.

Training & Lessons

Quit stumbling around with technology. Become more confident using your devices by taking advantage of our personalized training and coaching.

Book a Free 15-Minute Tech Assessment with Scott Marsolais.